Scoliosis and Atlas Vertebra

Scoliosi e vertebra Atlante



Scoliosis occurs when the spine takes on an S- or C-shape instead of its usual shape, often accompanied by a twist.

According to conventional medicine, the cause of scoliosis is unknown in 90% of cases and is therefore referred to as 'idiopathic scoliosis', which simply means 'we have no idea what the cause of the problem might be and how to solve it'.

Scoliosis affects about 1% of the population, usually occurs after the age of 10, and girls are affected more often than boys.

When it comes to scoliosis, opinions are often conflicting, while the norm is to confuse cause with effect, as is regularly the case with herniated discs and many other disorders. Scoliosis is one of the most misunderstood conditions in health care. Lots of fancy theories and big words, without any good indication on how to actually solve the problem.

During their careers, "specialists" do their best to tell you the same theories they learned 30-40 years ago at university, even though more current scientific studies have shown for at least 10 years now that most of them are unfounded. It would be time to get up to speed, but we all know that the health field is reluctant to embrace novelty and too often hides behind "we have always done it this way".

Swim, do this, don't do that, stand up straight, don't carry weights, don't hunch over. It has been proven that these habits are absolutely NOT the cause of bad posture or scoliosis and that swimming can even make scoliosis worse!
In the before and after photo you can see how the scoliotic curve has been reduced after the Atlas correction.
Without going into details, as I do not intend to do so in this place, all I can say is that they have been feeding us nonsense theories for at least 40 years, without any knowledge of what they were talking about. The worst thing is that from time to time we still hear these deeply flawed theories, having taken root among the experts.

I always wonder how one can have the presumption to call oneself a specialist in something, and then claim not to know the cause of a problem that should be within one's competence, and moreover without ever having really solved a single case of scoliosis, except by barbarously twisting the spine.

Scoliosis can vary in severity and produces various negative effects that are well known to those affected.

Congenital scoliosis and functional scoliosis

We can divide the types of scoliosis into 2 categories: congenital scoliosis and functional scoliosis.

In congenital scoliosis, certain vertebral bodies that make up the spine are deformed from birth and take on a fist shape. This pathology is necessarily treated by orthopaedic surgeons.

In functional scoliosis, also known as scoliotic stance or scoliotic posture, the vertebrae have the correct shape, but the problem lies in the different tension generated by the muscles on either side of the back. Here we look at functional scoliosis.
Functional scoliosis can be caused or aggravated by a misalignment of the Atlas and/or the jaw.

If the lateral displacement of the Atlas is very pronounced, the spine may alter its shape, assuming an S or C curvature, in response to the unbalanced position of the head. As explained on the importance of Atlas correction page, the head wants to maintain its alignment with the horizon and the rest of the body compensates accordingly.

As a result of the misalignment of the Atlas, the vertebrae below it can also become misaligned in a chain reaction.

In the case of a particularly pronounced angle of rotation of the Atlas, in some people a twisting of the rib cage or the entire spinal column may also be noticed. This situation can be aggravated by many other physical and also psycho-emotional factors, which can be explored elsewhere.

An observation that anyone can make, even without being a professor: if you look closely at someone with scoliosis, you will inevitably see a very deviated jaw on their face. On one side the bite is much lower, so study the dental malocclusion page. If you also check the Atlas, it will invariably be very misaligned, especially laterally shifted. Although the relationship between scoliosis, Atlas and mandible is more than obvious to us, it seems that the majority of practitioners are groping in the dark like blind men, without seeing the evidence.

Study on mice demonstrates the relationship between scoliosis and malocclusion:

Scoliosis with or without muscle atrophy

Attention, it is essential to further distinguish between 2 types of scoliosis, a distinction that is not mentioned in the medical field: scoliosis with or without atrophy of the muscles, which in turn can have different degrees of atrophy.

In the presence of atrophied muscles, the degree of curvature of the scoliosis is usually higher, although one may encounter cases of both categories with similar back curvature, but this does not mean that the distinction is not fundamental.

This is because in cases where the musculature is atrophic, the muscles are not commanded correctly a priori. In this condition the spinal column tends to collapse more and more to one side, eventually twisting.

In our experience, the latter are the most difficult cases with the least results. While the former may resolve completely, there is little hope for the latter. Certainly, correction can have beneficial effects, but if even in these cases you expect the scoliosis to disappear completely, you may be disappointed.

The situation that has become established over the years, combined with the presence of several concomitant deteriorating factors, requires much more effort than can be achieved by correcting one vertebra alone.

The body is malleable, function determines structure, this simple natural law works wonders when it is truly understood. These five words sum up the principle on which the world of sport is based. Think of a bodybuilder, who repeatedly pushes his muscles to the limit to activate the adaptation to effort, which then makes them grow out of all proportion.

Although the muscle fibres supporting the skeleton are completely different to those supporting voluntary movements, the principle remains the same. Even atrophied muscles are subject to this principle, but it takes a lot of dedication to solve the problem. The stupidest and most barbaric thing of all is to make the poor child wear an orthopaedic corset!

The atrophic muscles can be made functional again to a certain extent, but it is a demanding path, of which the correction of the Atlas and the jaw are an important piece, but only one of many pieces of a multi-faceted work.

For scoliosis problems with atrophied muscles, there are state-of-the-art schools that use equipment designed to train and develop individual muscle chains in a very targeted manner.

Atrophied muscles require much longer training, which must be done in isolation from the remaining muscle chains, otherwise they would strengthen much faster than the atrophied ones, further increasing the imbalance between the two sides of the body, thus aggravating scoliosis. This is exactly what can happen when swimming intensively.

When you strain a body submerged in fluid, it happens in an uncontrolled manner, the stronger muscles taking over and producing most of the strain, while the weaker ones atrophy even more. Just as in government offices, the few who work hard bear the full brunt, while the rest just laze about ;)

After the Atlas correction, in the presence of a very pronounced scoliosis, other specific therapies and corrective gymnastics are recommended, since muscles that have developed asymmetrically over time need to be strengthened in a targeted manner.

Preventing scoliosis with the Atlantomed method

Once scoliosis has become established, a lot of work needs to be done to correct it. For this reason it is advisable to have the Atlas correction with the Atlantomed method carried out as early as possible in children, so that functional scoliosis has no reason to occur.

The deviation of the spinal column from its axis of symmetry and ideal shape creates the breeding ground for a whole series of secondary disorders such as: lower back pain, "witch's foot", neck pain, compressed spinal nerves leading to tingling or numbness, stiff neck, herniated intervertebral discs, hip joint pain, knee or foot pain and various other pathologies with no apparent relation to the Atlas.

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