Displaced jaw, dental malocclusion and Atlas

We have found that correcting the Atlas can positively influence defective alignments of the jaw in relation to the skull and the associated dental malocclusion. Conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia, cranio-mandibular dysfunction or TMJ (temporomandibular joint) syndrome can be aggravated by a dysfunction of the Atlas.

Many people report significant changes in the alignment of the jaw and thus of the dental occlusion after Atlas treatment. In particular slight dental malocclusions can resolve spontaneously following realignment of the Atlas.

There are cases in which the posture returns to being completely symmetrical after the Atlas correction, while in other cases the correction is only partial. We therefore asked ourselves what could be responsible for this difference in reaction.
The incorrect position of the jaw in relation to the skull has a significant influence on posture.
After careful observation, we concluded that in cases where the posture was only partially corrected, the jaw was visibly misaligned in relation to the skull, i.e. Cranio-mandibular dysfunction was present.

In the presence of a significant craniomandibular dysfunction, correction of the Atlas alone may not be sufficient to completely resolve the postural imbalance. It becomes necessary to act directly on the misaligned jaw and in particular on the teeth, which are directly responsible for the spatial positioning of the jaw in relation to the skull.

Test for mandibular deviation

Test di Disfunzione Cranio-Cervico-Mandibolare

Displaced jaw

Checking whether there is a mandibular deviation is easy for anyone with a keen eye. Look at your face in the mirror, keeping your mouth closed and relaxed with your teeth together. Alternatively, you can take a selfie of yourself in the same condition and then observe it closely.

You can see what you need to focus on in the example image. The reference lines help you visualise the alignment of the jaw in relation to the skull. You can draw imaginary lines directly on your image in the mirror or do the same on your photo.

When the jaw is aligned, the horizontal line drawn over the eyes is parallel to the lip line (L=R in the picture) and the centre of the chin will be on the midline of the face (vertical green line).

If there is a deviation from this optimal situation, then a mandibular deviation is present.

An even more precise response can be obtained through an occlusal plane analysis performed by a dentist specialising in this field.

How to correct incorrect mandibular position?

To solve a major deviation of the jaw and to put an end to Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction, as well as the associated poor dental occlusion, it is necessary to modify the contact area and the relative height of the teeth. Treatments aimed at the mandibular musculature may be useful but only have temporary effects! The height of the teeth is in fact what determines the spatial position of the jaw in relation to the skull.

There are several ways to change the height and contact area of the teeth. This should be discussed with a competent dentist/gnathologist who is familiar with the relationship between posture and dental occlusion. What counts in the end is the result: is the jaw now aligned if you do the indicated test? All too often we see people with extremely deviated and completely maloccluded jaws, convinced that they are OK, just because they wear a splint!

If the test shows a misaligned jaw, you have Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction, no matter what the dentist may have told you or done to you!

Cranio-Cervical-Mandibular Dysfunction is a problem that should not be underestimated if you want to maintain good health and an efficient body for years to come!

Another important point for getting and staying healthy is the following: The mouth must absolutely be free of metals: amalgams, gold, titanium or other alloys, no matter what metal it is (even implants), these must not find a place in a mouth!

Many experts in the field today agree that having metals in the mouth can have harmful effects on health in the long term.

Unfortunately, compromises have to be made from time to time, and it is not always possible to apply an ideal solution, but to make do with the "least worst". The repercussions of having metals in the mouth are very insidious, because they occur gradually and are difficult to trace back to oral problems.

An excellent solution for correcting a displaced jaw and the associated dental malocclusion is the BIONATOR.

Study on the relationship between Atlas and jaw:

How does the jaw affect posture?

Rappresentazione dell'osso ioide come bilancia della postura



"Hanging" below the jaw is the hyoid bone, which in addition to being muscularly connected to the jaw, is also connected to the back of the skull, in the Atlas region. The hyoid bone is the only independent bone in the body, i.e. it does not articulate with other bones.

The hyoid bone can be compared to the mason's spirit level and is involved in the static regulation of posture.

The upper part of the hyoid bone is connected to the jaw. This implies that a spatial displacement of the mandible drags the hyoid bone along, which in turn changes the tension of the descending muscle chains.
By means of this mechanism, the hyoid bone regulates the static posture of the body, like a puppet operated by strings.

The descending sequence is as follows: the teeth and the alignment of the Atlas determine the position of the jaw, the jaw determines the position of the hyoid bone and the latter regulates the posture of the rest of the body. Muscle contractions resulting from misalignment of the Atlas and mandibular deviation are the factors that determine asymmetrical tensions on the hyoid bone and the resulting postural damage, such as a tilted pelvis or a shoulder higher than the other.
This explains why the correction of the pelvis by chiropractors and osteopaths is only temporary: the basic problem lies upstream! As long as the Atlas is not corrected, and if necessary also the position of the jaw, the pelvis will inevitably return to an inclined position! The proof of this is that by correcting the Atlas and, if necessary, the jaw, the pelvis realigns itself and, more importantly, remains aligned!

Practice has shown that the orthopaedic theory, according to which pelvic obliquity is caused by feet or a shorter leg, is completely wrong in most cases.

Displaced jaw: intervening before puberty

The German dentist Udo Bär conducted a series of tests on several hundred patients and concluded that the mandibular occlusion plays a key role in posture: posture information is stored/encoded in the intercuspation in the teeth.

After repeated tests and measurements during the different growth phases of the children, Dr. Bär was able to observe that their posture was easily influenced, ONLY as long as the first definitive molar (i.e. after the milk teeth had fallen out) had grown to the point where it comes into contact (intercuspid) with its antagonist tooth.

During these tests, the pelvis was first measured and then corrected if necessary. In subsequent measurements, taken at regular intervals, the pelvis remained straight and balanced provided the subject had not suffered any accidents or violent falls. In practice, pelvic correction was permanent. This was only the case if the initial pelvic correction had been made BEFORE the first molar had grown to touch its antagonist. Thanks to the casts of the teeth taken during the subsequent check-ups, it was even possible to observe that the initial pelvic correction produced to some extent a spontaneous correction of the position of the teeth.

On the other hand, when correcting the pelvic unevenness in children in whom the first molar had already come into contact with the antagonist (after about 10-14 years of age), it was found that the pelvic correction was not maintained.

From this observation, we can deduce how important it is to enter the puberty phase with a correct posture, otherwise the incorrect posture is "memorised / encoded" in the teeth and becomes much more challenging and expensive to correct.
It is important to correct the Atlas position before entering puberty!

Displaced jaw: intervening in adulthood

In adulthood the cusps, or tooth surfaces, may change due to carious lesions, incorrect tooth positions, extractions or due to abrasion from night grinding (bruxism). As a result of this change, the dental occlusion also changes, which in turn leads to a deterioration in posture. In order to regain a correct posture, it is essential to restore the spatial position and balance of the jaw. To do this, it is necessary to modify the teeth. Simply treating the masticatory musculature would lead to the same problem after a short time.

Before working on the teeth, it is necessary to carefully study the dental occlusion and the posture in order to have a clear idea of the result to be obtained. Without a preliminary study, there is a risk of further worsening an already precarious situation and of spending money unnecessarily.
Fixing the mouth is an art in which 95% of 'artists' prove to be untalented. You will constantly hear people telling you that everything is fine, but the reality is quite different.

Study on mice demonstrates the relationship between malocclusion and scoliosis:

Malocclusion video

Back pain, headaches, can also depend on bad dental occlusion, or an imperfect alignment of the jaw. Professor Giorgio Chiogna, director of gnathology at the Don Gnocchi Hospital in Rome, is quoted in Ippocrate, the health and health weekly.

Videointerviste dolore mandibolare

racconti dopo il riallineamento dell'Atlante

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