Atlas correction as prevention

Come migliorare la postura del bambino



Correzione dell'Atlante ai bambini

Thanks to the Atlantomed treatment, the body initiates a process of self-regulation. For this reason, Atlantomed should be regarded as an elementary method of prophylaxis. Misalignment of the first cervical vertebra is often present from birth and should therefore be checked.

A conscientious parent will have the first cervical vertebrae checked and, if necessary, realigned as soon as possible to ensure the child's healthy and optimal development.

Realigning the Atlas in children is a particularly recommended practice, both because of the ease of execution linked to the absence of muscular contractures, and because of the greater adaptability of the body in this age group.

All too often there is a tendency, which is extremely mistaken, to take action that is crucial to one's health only when the pain and discomfort have reached such an advanced stage that it is no longer bearable.

After years spent in the company of pain and after many attempts to relieve it through the misuse of drugs, the body ends up in an increasingly precarious condition, from which it becomes increasingly difficult to recover. Why do you want to do this to yourself when you could easily avoid it now?

If the body has been in a critical state for years, the regeneration phase can be much longer and more problematic.
Correzione dell'Atlante come prevenzione nell'infanzia
If this happens, you should not blame the therapist, but only yourself, for not having informed yourself adequately beforehand and for not having intervened intelligently when you were in time, instead of systematically ignoring the signals your body was sending you, silencing them with the doctor's complacency.

Be wise and foresighted, and have the position of your Atlas and that of your children checked and corrected, even if they do not yet present any disorders. In the future they will be grateful and you have everything to gain.

In order to make it easier for families and for prevention, during the parent's second session, in the Atlantomed Centres we offer the possibility of correcting one child free of charge, up to the age of 8.

 Waiting for disorders to appear before intervening effectively is always the most painful way!
Terapia dell'Atlante utile come profilassi per tutte le età

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