Atlas Correction as Prevention

How to improve a child's posture



Atlas correction for children

The Atlantomed method is a fundamental practice to promote health and prevent future problems.

The misalignment of the first cervical vertebra, often present from birth, can negatively impact a child's development. Therefore, early intervention is essential.

A responsible parent ensures the alignment of the cervical vertebrae is checked and corrected!

In children, Atlas correction is particularly recommended because muscle contractures, typical in adults, are not yet present. This allows the growing body to adapt easily, promoting harmonious development free of complications.

Prevention: The Great Unknown

Too often, people only take care of their health when pain and discomfort become unbearable. Years of persistent ailments and a growing dependence on medication increasingly compromise the proper functioning of the body, making the healing process longer and more difficult. Why take this risk when it is possible to prevent it easily starting now?

Atlas correction as prevention during childhood

You Can Only Blame Yourself

When the body has been in a critical state for years, the regeneration process becomes significantly longer and more demanding.

If this happens, you cannot blame the therapist you turn to for help but only yourself for not informing yourself properly when you should have, that is, when the issue started to occur repeatedly.

You chose to repeatedly ignore the signals your body was sending, suppressing them with the complacent approval of the doctor instead of acting consciously when you had the opportunity.

Be wise and forward-thinking: have your Atlas and your children's Atlas checked and corrected, even if they currently show no obvious symptoms. In the future, they will thank you, and you will have made a decision that only **agevolates** benefits.

Waiting for problems to appear before acting effectively is always the most painful path!

Family Support: Our Contribution to Prevention

To agevolate families and promote prevention, Atlantomed Centers offer the opportunity to check and, if necessary, correct the misalignment of a child's Atlas, up to 8 years old, for free during the parent's second session.

Atlas therapy as a prophylaxis for all ages
A neglected Atlas today becomes a much more costly problem tomorrow!

Video Interviews on Prevention

Stories After Atlas Realignment

What People Say About Us

Beware of those who disguise a simple cervical manipulation as Atlas realignment and those who offer low-quality imitations of our method. The results speak for themselves: over 10,000 testimonials and reviews in various languages make us unique. Click to discover opinions, ratings, and authentic experiences shared by those who have experienced Atlas correction with Vibro-Resonance Atlantomed:

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Author and Scientific Reviewer


Content written by Alfredo Lerro (holder of the AtlantoVib patent) and verified by Prof. Daniele Raggi: Doctor in Movement Sciences, Physiotherapy, and Quantum Sciences, Master in Posturology at La Sapienza University of Rome. Diplomas: Mézière, two-year and three-year Massophysiotherapy, Hydro-Massotherapy MCB with expertise in Bioresonance, Mental Coach, and Back School. Specialized in Foot Reflexology and the Feldenkrais Method. Inventor and patent holder of Pancafit, Pancafit Vertical, KRM, and other devices, as well as the Meta-Posturology approach, Energetic Breathing, and the Relational Constellations technique. Lecturer in various first- and second-level university master's programs, lecturer at the MCB school, and founder of the Raggi Method school. He works as a clinical posturology consultant for dental practices. Former lecturer at the 1st Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at La Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Experimental Physical Medicine.

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Atlas Correction

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