Knee pain and hip problems

Hip and knee pain caused by degenerated joints

We have observed that hip or knee pain, not attributable to limb trauma, almost always occurs in the joints of the leg that appears longer, due to a tilted pelvis.

This happens because the joints of that leg are subjected to greater static and dynamic stress. An asymmetric pelvis can alter the distribution of body weight between the two legs, with a difference that can reach up to 20 kg.

This condition places greater strain on the tendons, meniscus, and joints of the knee, hip, and ankle of the longer leg, as pelvic tilt inevitably causes the limb to undergo abnormal torsion.

Just as car tires wear unevenly when the alignment is incorrect, the human body can also experience wear and tear if posture and symmetry are not properly maintained.

The Atlantomed method can facilitate a rapid and significant improvement in posture and pelvic obliquity, thereby preventing the overload of the knee and hip joints.

Continued improper stress over time leads to inflammation of the affected tissues and may compromise structural integrity to the point where surgical intervention becomes necessary.

Hip pain and sciatica

Hip and knee pain, and meniscus problems



Atlas misalignment can negatively affect posture, triggering a chain reaction that causes pelvic imbalance, leading to hip misalignment and blockage of the sacroiliac joint. This condition can result in sciatic pain or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, often accompanied by numbness in the leg or foot. Additionally, in some cases, lower back pain or lumbago may occur as related symptoms.

If the poor posture underlying this condition is not effectively addressed by checking Atlas alignment and cranio-mandibular dysfunction, and correcting them if necessary, the painful condition will inevitably persist. A broader, systemic approach is needed, far from the reductionist and narrow perspective often adopted in the medical field, which focuses solely on the painful area without considering body statics and the functional interactions between its parts.

This seemingly simple concept is often unknown. Without correcting posture, medications can only temporarily relieve symptoms but cannot solve the root problem.

Numerous testimonials report the unexpected disappearance of hip and knee pain after Atlas correction, leading many to question the effectiveness of conventional pharmacological treatments, which are inadequate for chronic conditions and serve only to mask symptoms.

Are medications really the solution?

Take a moment to reflect: when was the last time medicine announced it had definitively solved any disease? How many truly HEALTHY people do you meet every day? Do you find it normal that most of the population constantly lives with illnesses or pain? Don't you think there is something fundamentally wrong with the modern medical approach?

As obvious as it may seem, it is important to highlight that one cannot expect complete recovery solely through the correction of the Atlas if the knee or hip is already severely compromised by osteoarthritis. Once a certain threshold is crossed, structural damage may become irreversible. This is why the old saying "prevention is better than cure" is more relevant than ever: have your children's Atlas checked and act promptly, before it's too late!

There is nothing inherently wrong with medications; the problem lies in their improper and continuous use. Too often, they are used to alleviate symptoms of mechanical origin, issues that cannot be resolved with chemical means.

Substances particularly recommended to promote cartilage regeneration:

Video interviews on hip and knee pain

stories after Atlas realignment

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