First sensations after the treatment

Immediately after the Atlas realignment and in the following days, people may experience a variety of sensations, including a profound sense of relief. The head may feel lighter, accompanied by an increased ability to rotate, with smooth movements, almost as if it glides on ball bearings, no longer experiencing pain or dizziness, if they were present before. It is common to notice a more upright posture and deeper breathing, accompanied by an inner sense of calm and greater self-confidence. Additionally, there may be a greater freedom in head flexion and extension movements. In some cases, headaches disappear immediately after the session, while others report the disappearance of back pain or shoulder pain. Sensations can vary significantly from one person to another.
Reactions after the Atlas correction

After the Atlantomed treatment, both positive and negative reactions may occur, indicating an ongoing self-regulation process. Although not everyone experiences negative reactions, it is important to be aware of this possibility. These reactions are temporary and directly related to the postural change taking place, localized in the areas of the body most affected by the changes.
The postural compensations adopted by the body to adapt to a misaligned Atlas become unnecessary and must be progressively eliminated. This process is accompanied by various sensations.

The body needs to regain its balance and readjust its center of gravity, as the correction can significantly affect them. Muscle chains in spasm need to relax, while those only marginally used and thus potentially atrophic need to regain their full functionality.
In naturopathy, this phase is called a "healing crisis", a process that signals an ongoing change, essential to overcome the previous condition.
Once this phase of restoring postural, musculoskeletal, and chemical balance is completed, a significant increase in energy may be felt. Reactions may occur immediately after the treatment or weeks or even months later. Experience shows that the more the body has been ill or in pain in the past, the more intense and prolonged the reactions may be.
Some possible reactions:
A few days of severe fatigue, accompanied by an increased need to sleep, muscle soreness, or localized discomfort in the neck, back, lumbar region, or knee and hip joints, caused by the load change due to pelvis leveling.
The regeneration phase can be supported and shortened with the help of regular massages to the neck and back (avoiding cervical manipulations). Other therapies may become more effective after the Atlantomed treatment, as their benefits combine and enhance each other.
Increase in head rotation angle after the treatment
These images clearly show the increase in the head rotation angle achieved thanks to the Atlantomed treatment:

Height increase and posture improvement
Thanks to posture improvement, a height increase can be measured after applying the Atlantomed method. In some cases, the increase has been several centimeters, highlighting how far the spine had deviated from its ideal shape.

What People Say About Us
Beware of those who disguise a simple cervical manipulation as Atlas realignment and those who offer low-quality imitations of our method. The results speak for themselves: over 10,000 testimonials and reviews in various languages make us unique. Click to discover opinions, ratings, and authentic experiences shared by those who have experienced Atlas correction with Vibro-Resonance Atlantomed: