Consequences of the misaligned Atlas on the circulatory system

Are you familiar with that feeling, as if blood were abnormally pumping through your head? Do you not dare talk to your doctor about it for fear of being considered insane? Many people have resigned themselves to living with their high blood pressure and poor circulatory function. But are the prescribed medications taken with a clear conscience?

Would it not be better to eliminate the possible cause of the problem once and for all, rather than simply suppressing the symptoms with medication? One of the causes may lie in the misalignment of the Atlas, which has a negative impact, either directly or indirectly, on certain important blood vessels.

The cardiovascular system

The circulatory system is divided into two circuits that can be considered separately: the great circle, which supplies the body, and the small circle, which supplies the brain. In addition to the heart itself, the brain also needs a constant and considerable supply of blood, so both arterial inflow and venous outflow are present on both sides of the neck.

Arteria carotide interna, vena giugulare, arteria vertebrale in relazione alla vertebra Atlante

Consequences on the small circle

Clessidra che simboleggia il restringimento dei vasi e l'effetto sull'apparato circolatorio
Misalignment of the Atlas can cause constant abnormal pressure on the blood vessels that are supposed to ensure adequate blood supply to the brain. This pressure mainly affects the vertebral artery, which passes through the transverse hole in the Atlas (vertebrobasilar insufficiency), the internal carotid artery, which runs right in front of the Atlas after emerging from the base of the skull, and also other vessels that pass through the jugular foramen, such as the internal jugular vein.

If the blood supply to the brain is reduced due to misalignment of the Atlas, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain is also reduced. This condition can trigger various symptoms such as: hypertension that is difficult to control, irregular or fluctuating blood pressure, alterations in heart rhythm with symptoms such as headaches, migraines, dizziness, chronic fatigue, rapid fatigue, difficulty in concentrating and visual disturbances, and even sudden fainting. As you probably know, some of these symptoms are considered 'incurable diseases' by conventional medicine. What they fail to tell you is that 'incurable' only applies when treatment is limited to taking their medication.

The outflow of blood from the skull, which is mainly via the jugular vein, may also be disturbed (see also Dr. Zamboni's studies on Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency CCSVI). The importance of the two jugular veins is crucial, as almost one litre of blood per minute flows from the cranial box through them. In the event of venous compression by the misaligned Atlas, the first consequence will be difficulty in eliminating carbon dioxide and waste products from the brain.




Consequences on the great circle

The activity of the heart plays a central role in the cardiovascular system. The heart is the pump of the circulatory system and at the same time the clock that sets the rhythm, which is then regulated by the autonomic nervous system (vagus nerve) and the baroreceptors in the tissues.

The voluntary movements of the body, induced by the coordinated contraction and release of muscle chains, generate a momentary and entirely tolerable pressure on the surrounding vessel tissues. The situation changes when the compressions, instead of being only transient, become permanent.

A misaligned Atlas creates postural damage that leads to permanent muscular tension in a large part of the locomotor system. In permanently contracted muscle tissue, blood flow is reduced and consequently the supply of oxygen and nutrients. The reduced drainage of metabolic waste products can in turn lead to both a loss of strength and rapid soreness in the affected area.
This condition can increase the overall risk of injury, particularly during exercise. The ligaments and tendons may become less elastic and therefore more delicate due to the decreased circulation and increased strain. The risk is further increased by taking anti-inflammatory drugs for long periods, which can cause tendons to detach from the bone as a side effect. The Achilles tendon is the first to be affected, as it is heavily loaded.

An imbalance in an upstream vertebra, which may seem insignificant in appearance, can in fact indirectly create dysfunctions throughout the rest of the system.

Did you know that at the root of the problems with the circulatory system just described, which afflict many people, there could be a purely mechanical alteration of the musculoskeletal system, rather than an imbalance that we normally try to treat, often unsuccessfully, with drugs?
Do you really believe that a drug can eliminate the cause of your problems if they have a mechanical origin?

Ultrasound before and after Atlas correction

Below is an ultrasound scan showing the change in the lumen of the jugular vein, before and after Atlantomed.

Ecografia della vena giugulare
prima della correzione

Immagine ecografica della vena giugulare compressa prima della correzione dell'Atlante

Ecografia della vena giugulare
dopo la correzione Atlantomed

Ecografia della vena giugulare dopo il riallineamento dell'Atlante

The blue area shows the flow of blood through the jugular vein. In the left ultrasound the flow is 44.9 cm/s, while in the right one, after Atlas correction, the jugular vein is freed and its flow rate increases to an impressive 81.5 cm/s. We can say that the outflow of blood from the brain has improved significantly.

Upright MRI of the Atlas vertebrae

Risonanza magnetica vertebra Atlante compressione vena giugulare
In this peculiar vertical MRI of the neck, performed in the axial plane, at the height of the Atlas vertebra, we observe in blue the lumen of the jugular vein.
You can see the compression of the left vein.

Such images cannot be obtained with a standard MRI. Although this MRI can show the phenomenon of vein compression well, it only allows a partial identification of the malposition of the first cervical vertebra.

Altered blood pressure

Among the many negative repercussions induced by a misaligned Atlas is the alteration of correct blood pressure. It is important to remember that there are many factors that can influence blood pressure, and the Atlas problem is only one of them.

Misuratore di pressione arteriosa

High blood pressure (hypertension)

Freccia rossa verso l'alto che simboleggia la pressione sanguigna alta
High blood pressure is defined as values above 140/90 mmHg.

One of the causes of these high values is excessive vascular resistance, which can be due to various factors.

In addition to atherosclerosis, which is usually diagnosed by conventional medicine, a misaligned Atlas is also one of the possible causes of high blood pressure, but this is ignored by medicine, as it is a mechanical problem that cannot be treated with medication.

A malpositioned Atlas can lead to a compression narrowing of the blood vessels, or to impairment of the function of the vagus nerve, a part of the parasympathetic system, which consequently does not adequately fulfil its function as an antagonist of the sympathetic system, and this leads to high blood pressure.

In order to ensure that enough blood reaches the brain, the regulatory system increases blood pressure.

When the cause of high blood pressure lies in misalignment of the Atlas, the pressure is stabilised by correcting its position using the Atlantomed method.

Low blood pressure (hypotension)

Freccia blu verso il basso che simboleggia la pressione sanguigna bassa
Low blood pressure is defined as values below 110/60 mmHG.

In conventional medicine, it can happen that even the most accurate diagnosis fails to identify the cause of this disorder. Low blood pressure is usually recommended by doctors (especially cardiologists), as a low blood pressure value protects the vessels and heart.

People affected by this condition may experience a variety of complaints, such as lack of energy, lack of strength and a marked need for sleep. It is possible that in the development of a disease such as hypotension, the neurovegetative system is involved, i.e. there is a malfunction of the vagus nerve which contributes to the development of low blood pressure.

It is also plausible that a misaligned Atlas leads to a malfunction of the nervous system or to poor hormonal control and thus to a reduction in vascular resistance, a factor that can lead to the development of hypotension.

In numerous cases it has been reported that, after Atlantomed treatment, blood pressure has normalised and those affected have regained vitality and joie de vivre.

Interviste: racconti dopo il riallineamento dell'Atlante

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