Atlas Correction:
Results That Surprise!

Atlas correction is a method aimed at realigning the first cervical vertebra, which in many people is already dysfunctional from birth or due to various factors. A misalignment of the cervical vertebrae can cause a range of bothersome symptoms that cannot be eliminated with medication. It is a fundamental preventive procedure that should be considered as early as possible, regardless of any existing disorders.

Watch this introductory video to gain a clear and comprehensive understanding of the topic:

Atlas Correction Presentation

Correzione dell'Atlante presentazione

This technique utilizes specific devices that generate mechanical vibrations, inducing resonance in the muscle tissue. Their purpose is to promote a deep relaxation of muscle tensions, thereby facilitating the repositioning of the misaligned Atlas. It is important to emphasize that without the proper use of these devices or relying solely on manual methods, an effective and long-lasting Atlas correction is not feasible.

You have probably reached us after a difficult journey, marked by failures and disappointments with treatments that have not provided lasting results.

Atlas Vertebra:

The Hidden Cause of Numerous Disorders

  • Have you already tried many therapies but your disorders persist?
  • Would you like to free yourself from dependence on medication?

If you suffer from recurring or chronic disorders and the possibility of recovery seems elusive, we invite you to explore this site carefully, designed specifically to answer your questions.

Discover how JUST 2 SESSIONS of Atlas realignment with Vibro-Resonance can relieve or resolve headaches, migraines, dizziness, neck pain, back pain, and many other disorders.

Atlas correction Atlantomed

correzione dell'Atlante Atlantomed
Atlantomed is the unique Atlas correction treatment capable of significantly influencing your long-term health, with the understanding that results may vary. As it is a revolutionary solution, it is essential to fully understand it. For this reason, before proceeding, it is important to review all the information available on the website, with particular attention to the sections on the fundamentals, the method, and the disorders relevant to your case.

Atlas correction

Correzione dell'Atlante

The first cervical vertebra, also known as the Atlas or C1, supports the skull and is crucial for the balance of the entire skeleton. A misalignment in this area can trigger a series of problems affecting not only the musculoskeletal system but also the circulatory and nervous systems, causing systemic dysfunctions throughout the body.

If this misalignment is not corrected promptly, serious health problems may develop over time, significantly impacting the quality of life.

By continuing to read this site, you will understand how the first cervical vertebra can be the root cause of a wide range of seemingly unrelated symptoms. Often, the focus is on treating the pain without addressing the true underlying cause.

If you also believe that "they are doctors and should know it", ask yourself why most people end up living with their disorders every day.

7 Facts to Know About Atlas Misalignment

Birth trauma and Atlas misalignment

Trauma del parto e disallineamento dell'Atlante
1 Birth trauma can cause a permanent misalignment of the Atlas (first cervical vertebra) and sometimes also of the Axis (second cervical vertebra).
2 Subsequent trauma, such as whiplash or accidental falls, as well as intubation during surgeries under general anaesthesia, can cause or worsen the misalignment of the Atlas or other underlying cervical vertebrae.

Whiplash from a car accident and misaligned Atlas

Colpo di frusta da incidente in automobile e Atlante disallineato

Many disorders are caused by a misaligned Atlas

Molti disturbi sono causati dall'Atlante malposizionato
3 It has been confirmed that misalignment of the Atlas vertebra can be responsible for a wide range of physical symptoms and disorders, with negative consequences on mental well-being as well.
4 Misalignment of the Atlas is not recognised by conventional medicine as a potential cause of disorders and is generally not diagnosed.

Doctor examining X-rays of the misaligned Atlas

Dottore guarda radiografie dell'Atlante disallineato

Doctor examining MRI of the misaligned Atlas

Dottore guarda Risonanza magnetica dell'Atlante disallineato
5 The lack of diagnosis is due to the fact that neither standard X-rays nor MRI scans adequately reveal Atlas misalignment.
6 Conversely, a computed tomography (CT) scan can accurately visualise and measure the position of the Atlas, but only if the radiologist specifically configures the equipment and intentionally looks for misalignment.

Computed Tomography of the Atlas vertebra

Tomografia Computerizzata della vertebra Atlante

The doctor prescribes medication

Il dottore prescrive farmaci
7 Aside from severe vertebral dislocations that require surgery, conventional medicine does not offer any solution capable of correcting the misalignment of the first cervical vertebra.

Atlas correction: Which symptoms is it indicated for?

Many people who come to us hoping for relief from their ailments are surprised to find that symptoms that seemingly have no direct connection to the Atlas also disappear. Although the effects of the treatment can extend to the psychological level, we have deliberately decided not to include complaints from this area in our list.

It is important to understand that the listed complaints are not solely caused by an Atlas misalignment but can also have other underlying causes.

We value transparency: While numerous testimonials indicate that Atlas treatment can lead to significant health improvements, it does not produce the same results for everyone. Its effectiveness depends on the degree of Atlas misalignment and its impact on the entire system. Therefore, it is not possible to predict how the treatment will affect specific conditions in advance.

Atlas correction

Correzione dell'Atlante
An Atlantomed therapist does not provide medical diagnoses or make promises of healing. Their assessment focuses solely on determining whether a realignment of the cervical vertebrae is necessary. When the Atlas is corrected, it is often observed that the body regains its balance and can achieve optimal health.

Some of the Disorders Related to Atlas Misalignment

Disorders caused by Atlas misalignment: migraine, back pain
Disorders caused by Atlas misalignment: migraine, back pain
Your enemy is not the pain but the cause that generates it.

Do you prefer to have a body that responds correctly and functions at its best, or are you settling for one that takes control and causes you continuous problems?
If you desire the first scenario, deepening your knowledge by reading this site could be the turning point you are looking for. Your body will thank you.

Living with a misaligned Atlas, thinking you can avoid discomfort, is like believing you can drive without consequences on a flat tire.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Atlas Correction

The term "Atlas misalignment" refers to the condition where the first of the seven vertebrae that make up the cervical spine, known as the Atlas or C1, is shifted from its physiological position in relation to the skull.

The Atlas vertebra can become misaligned by rotating, shifting laterally, or being locked in an excessively forward or backward position relative to its normal alignment with the skull. This misalignment can affect the second cervical vertebra, known as the Axis, triggering a chain reaction that disrupts the balance of the entire musculoskeletal system. The maximum rotation of the Atlas, as measured radiologically, can reach up to 8 degrees.

Atlas misalignment is not comparable to a simple cervical muscle contraction or joint blockage as understood in osteopathy and cannot be corrected through basic manipulation or a simple massage.

Atlantomed Atlas Correction: A Big Step for Your Health

Atlas correction for headaches, migraines, dizziness, and fainting

Correzione dell'Atlante contro cefalea, emicrania, vertigini, svenimenti

Atlas Correction: Prevention Is the Best Cure

Atlas correction as prevention and prophylaxis

Correzione dell'Atlante come prevenzione e profilassi
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

It is reasonable to have the Atlas checked and realigned, regardless of the presence of disorders. The correction is recommended from childhood, allowing the body to develop optimally and preventing future pain.

To facilitate access to prevention, Atlantomed Centers offer free Atlas position correction for a child up to 8 years old during the parent's second session.

You Don't Have a Spare Body, So Take Care of It

When one realizes that a large number of individuals suffer from Atlas misalignment from birth, a condition that compromises the proper functioning of the entire body, the natural interest in discovering whether one belongs to the few unaffected by this misalignment should arise.

It is undeniable that a properly aligned body functions better than an imbalanced one. Therefore, anyone who respects themselves would not want to live with a malfunctioning body that limits their ability to lead a fully enjoyable life.

In light of this, who would want to continue investing time and money in medical treatments and medications, with their associated side effects, if a radical solution exists to avoid all of this?

Often, these same people wonder about the causes of their chronic ailments but passively continue to follow the usual medical prescriptions, despite the fact that such treatments have never truly led to genuine healing.

The key question is why only a minority recognizes the importance of consulting a specialized center like Atlantomed to check for Atlas misalignment, a simple and free process that takes just a few minutes.

Titan Atlas: If only I had discovered Atlas correction earlier!

Titano Atlante: se solo avessi scoperto prima la correzione dell'Atlante!

This resistance to action likely stems from the same negligence that leads many people to neglect dental care, risking tooth loss, or to avoid car maintenance, eventually damaging the engine and breaking down.

Now that you are aware of this opportunity, don't let it slip away. It is a rare and valuable chance to easily address and resolve various disorders with a single solution.

An Atlas correction today prevents costly disorders tomorrow!

It's Time to Say No More to Painkillers and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Imagine being paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair: would you want to live in a constant state of emergency and pain just because the caregiver you rely on does not take proper care of you? The worst nightmare for a paralyzed person would be having a caregiver like Annie in the movie *Misery*. Yet, this is exactly what you inflict on your body when YOU, as its guardian and caregiver, fail to adequately meet its needs.

What would you think of your caregiver if they kept giving you sedatives to keep you calm, just like YOU do to your body by filling it with painkillers when it sends you messages of pain, instead of listening to it and addressing its needs?

If the sedatives keep you in a semi-conscious state all the time, you might not notice anything and certainly wouldn’t be a bother, but do you really believe this is an acceptable long-term solution? Pain and symptoms are simply alarm bells, the way your body signals to its tenant—you—that something is wrong. YET, many treat their bodies like a negligent caregiver would, silencing discomfort signals with tranquilizers. Unfortunately, suppressing a symptom does not solve the problem, as it will either reappear or manifest elsewhere in another form.

Most of us become aware of this only when it is too late and the damage has become irreversible. We then turn to one specialist after another, becoming indignant when they fail to solve the problem, instead of acknowledging our own responsibility and negligence in ignoring the body's needs and signals for a long time.

What People Say About Us

Beware of those who disguise a simple cervical manipulation as Atlas realignment and those who offer low-quality imitations of our method. The results speak for themselves: over 10,000 testimonials and reviews in various languages make us unique. Click to discover opinions, ratings, and authentic experiences shared by those who have experienced Atlas correction with Vibro-Resonance Atlantomed:

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Author and Scientific Reviewer


Content written by Alfredo Lerro (holder of the AtlantoVib patent) and verified by Prof. Daniele Raggi: Doctor in Movement Sciences, Physiotherapy, and Quantum Sciences, Master in Posturology at La Sapienza University of Rome. Diplomas: Mézière, two-year and three-year Massophysiotherapy, Hydro-Massotherapy MCB with expertise in Bioresonance, Mental Coach, and Back School. Specialized in Foot Reflexology and the Feldenkrais Method. Inventor and patent holder of Pancafit, Pancafit Vertical, KRM, and other devices, as well as the Meta-Posturology approach, Energetic Breathing, and the Relational Constellations technique. Lecturer in various first- and second-level university master's programs, lecturer at the MCB school, and founder of the Raggi Method school. He works as a clinical posturology consultant for dental practices. Former lecturer at the 1st Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at La Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Experimental Physical Medicine.

Tip for Navigating the Site

Correzione dell'Atlante presentazione

The pages are organized in a logical sequence to make your navigation easier. At the end of each page, you will find a button on the right (for example, *Who is the Atlantomed treatment for*), which will allow you to move on to the next page. By following this sequence, you can access all the key sections of the site. If you prefer, you can also use the menu to jump directly to a specific page. However, we recommend following the suggested order, taking the time to read each page carefully. This way, you can fully understand the various aspects of health and the proposed treatment, which could have a significant impact on your life.

Happy reading!

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Atlas Correction

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