Consequences of the Atlas on Cerebrospinal Fluid
On this page, we aim to delve into the repercussions of Atlas misalignment on cerebrospinal fluid and the symptoms that may arise. To do this, we will provide some basic anatomical knowledge, intentionally keeping it simple, as our goal is not a scientific dissertation but to facilitate an understanding of the mechanisms at play.
What is cerebrospinal fluid?
Cerebrospinal fluid, commonly referred to as CSF or spinal fluid, is a transparent fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. It cushions against shocks, maintains a stable chemical environment, nourishes the brain, and facilitates the removal of metabolic waste.
How is CSF produced?
CSF is produced at a rate of approximately 0.5 liters per day from plasma in arterial blood that reaches the skull primarily through the carotid arteries. After fulfilling its functions, CSF is reabsorbed and returned to venous circulation via the jugular veins. At any given time, the nervous system contains between 60 and 200 ml of fluid, which is replenished 3-4 times per day.
Understanding the cerebrospinal fluid circuit
Understanding "where cerebrospinal fluid comes from" and "where it goes"—in other words, thinking in terms of inflow and outflow—helps us identify the origin of many neurological symptoms considered incurable. Fluids, being incompressible, follow a basic physical law: if the outflow encounters an obstruction, the inflow is also slowed. In other words, if the fluid cannot exit, new fluid cannot enter. When the main vein, the jugular vein, through which CSF is discharged, is stenotic, how can the cerebrospinal fluid flow properly? If the circulation of CSF is hindered, can you imagine the effects this might have on the brain? It seems that few people ask this question.
As often happens, we get lost in irrelevant details, overlooking what is obvious. It should not be surprising that fish in an aquarium get sick or die if the water is never changed; similarly, it should not be surprising when neurological issues such as headaches and many other disorders arise because the brain is forced to "float" in its own waste!
Consequences of altered CSF production or reabsorption
Significant alterations in cerebrospinal fluid production or reabsorption can lead to conditions such as hydrocephalus in children or intracranial hypertension in adults, while less pronounced changes that hinder CSF drainage can have a substantial impact by affecting the pressure balance essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
CSF adapts to variations in blood flow and brain mass to maintain constant intracranial pressure and volume, but a deficit in blood flow can directly affect CSF production and its disposal cycle.
Alterations in CSF Flow and Pressure
The misalignment of the Atlas and the resulting postural issues can influence CSF flow and intracranial pressure, potentially affecting various neurological functions.
Studies conducted by Dr. Zamboni and his team provide highly enlightening insights on this topic. However, if these new discoveries were adopted as they deserve, many pharmaceutical therapies would become obsolete, explaining the resistance of conventional medicine to acknowledge their value. Consequently, Zamboni's findings remain confined to a niche of informed individuals willing to educate themselves independently.
Dr. Paolo Zamboni is renowned for his research on Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI), a condition he hypothesized to be closely linked to multiple sclerosis (MS). His most significant discovery involves the observation that altered venous flow from the brain and spinal cord may contribute to MS symptoms. Zamboni identified that many MS patients exhibited narrowing (stenosis) or malformations in the jugular and azygos veins, obstructing normal blood outflow. This phenomenon leads to iron accumulation in brain tissues, causing inflammation and neurological damage.
Possible Effects of an Atlas Misalignment on CSF:
- Compression or restriction of CSF pathways: A misaligned Atlas can compress surrounding soft tissues or narrow the foramen magnum, hindering the free circulation of CSF to the spinal cord. In severe cases, such as Chiari syndrome, the cerebellum may slip into the spinal canal, obstructing CSF circulation.
- Changes in craniosacral dynamics: The pulsatile flow of CSF can be altered by restrictions at the cranial base. Osteopaths have observed that after Atlantomed treatment, the craniosacral rhythm increases in amplitude, improving flow dynamics.
- Slower CSF turnover: If one of the jugular veins has a congenital stenosis or is externally compressed due to C1 and C2, CSF recirculation slows, leaving the brain "immersed" in stagnant fluid rich in metabolic waste. It is unsurprising, then, that the brain might cease functioning properly, eventually leading to symptoms that can develop into much more severe conditions.
- Increased intracranial pressure: Obstructions in CSF flow can cause elevated intracranial pressure, resulting in symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, visual disturbances, and, in severe cases, impaired neurological functions.
Beyond specific individual disorders that may arise, it is crucial to understand that the nervous system cannot function optimally if the fluid that nourishes it does not circulate properly. Considering that your life depends on your nervous system, neglecting it would be highly unwise. Prevention consists of ensuring that the body can operate at its best, rather than waiting for symptoms to appear and then focusing on them. It should now be evident that this is the least effective, painful, and costly approach.
Negative Impacts on the Nervous System
- Nerve irritation: Altered CSF flow can contribute to nerve root irritation, causing neuropathic pain or abnormal sensations.
- Reduced nourishment of nervous tissues: Inefficient CSF circulation can compromise the delivery of nutrients to the brain and spinal cord, hindering cellular regeneration.
Symptoms Associated with Altered CSF Flow
The circulation of CSF follows a pulsatile flow synchronized with breathing and heart function.
- Neurological disorders – multiple sclerosis – Alzheimer’s
- Chronic fatigue – cognitive difficulties
- Persistent headaches (often worse when standing or lying down)
- Abnormal intracranial pressure (hypotension or hypertension)
- Balance and coordination problems
- Visual issues, such as blurred or double vision
- Tinnitus – sensation of ear pressure
Medicine tends to focus on CSF only in its most severe manifestations, while milder symptoms are often attributed to neurological disorders of unknown origin. Greater awareness and integration of recent discoveries could lead to more accurate diagnoses and more effective treatments.
After Atlantomed treatment, several cases have been observed where intracranial pressure and related disorders disappeared. However, it is important to consider that other medical conditions beyond the Atlas position may be present. For example, the jugular vein may exhibit stenosis, as highlighted in Dr. Paolo Zamboni's CCSVI studies, which can be explored further elsewhere. We also invite you to visit the page dedicated to the nervous system.
Video Interviews: Nervous System Disorders
Stories After Atlas Realignment
Several individuals have reported significant improvements following the realignment of the Atlas. Their experiences, documented through video interviews and testimonials, highlight how a simple intervention on a single vertebra can greatly enhance quality of life.
Scientific Literature
- Cerebrospinal Fluid System.
- Craniocervical Junction Syndrome.
- Relationship Between Misalignment and Obstruction of Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow.
- The Role of the Craniocervical Junction in Craniospinal Hydrodynamics.
- The Lateral Atlanto-Axial Joint as a Source of Headache.
- Important Contributor to Human Cerebrospinal Fluid Circulation.
- Vertebral Artery Blood Flow Changes Associated With Cervical Spine Rotation.
- Collateral Circulation in Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency.
- Understanding Jugular Venous Outflow Disturbance.
The Right Mindset
Why does one person heal after undergoing the same treatment, while another does not?
Mental attitude or mindset plays a fundamental role in the outcome of any healing process.
- If you are convinced you will get sick, you are very likely to actually fall ill.
- If you firmly believe in healing, you are very likely to regain your health.
What YOU consider to be reality will, in some way, become REAL.
In practical life, this principle clashes with "counter-intentions" coming from the environment or the people around you, which can hinder the realization of your goals and the materialization of your reality. Inside your being, these external counter-intentions do not exist, so you are capable of making real what you believe should happen, unless you contradict your thought immediately after formulating it.
This dynamic of "knowing you are right" can lead to two extremes: causing disasters or generating events that might appear miraculous.
What Does All This Mean?
Your thoughts activate physical mechanisms that can transform them into reality, either for good or for bad.
The human body can autonomously produce organic substances that promote healing or illness, depending on your mindset. However, traditional medicine tends to ignore these phenomena as they conflict with its dogmas and paradigms (see link below).
Supporting this, there are various interesting experiments, some of which have been scientifically studied by quantum physics and completely challenge the current universal physical laws.
Conventional medicine does not delve into these topics, often out of convenience: the system profits from keeping you sick and unaware of these mechanisms. Doctors often take credit for recoveries that were actually self-induced by the patients themselves, wrongly attributing them to prescribed medications.
If you are firmly convinced that something will benefit you, it probably will. Conversely, if you believe it will harm you, it is highly likely to happen.
The first phenomenon is called the placebo effect, while the second is the nocebo effect. Scientific studies quantify the efficacy of these phenomena at 30% and 50%, respectively. This means that if you are convinced that something will harm you, then there is a 50% chance that this will actually occur.
A negative mindset can sabotage the body's functions, leading in extreme cases to death. There are numerous examples of deaths caused by emotional distress.
A concrete example of the nocebo effect occurred in Zurich in 2012, when an envelope containing white powder broke in a post office branch, sparking panic over a suspected anthrax attack.
As a result, 34 employees were taken to the emergency room and hospitalized in intensive care, showing typical symptoms of poisoning such as sudden headaches, coughing, vomiting, and respiratory irritation.
After conducting the necessary chemical analyses, which unfortunately take time, it was revealed that it was just ordinary flour. This story should help you understand what our minds are capable of.
Here is the related article in German: NEWSPAPER ARTICLE.
Other very interesting scientific experiments on the subject can be found here: Download Book.
Thinking Positive Is Not Enough
If you now think that having positive thoughts is enough to heal, it is important to correct this belief. Positive thinking alone is not sufficient: you need certainty and complete awareness. You must know with absolute conviction that something will happen—a subtle yet fundamental difference from merely believing.
Certainty operates on a much higher plane than simply believing it to be so.
To better understand, consider this example: Do you BELIEVE in the force of gravity, or do you KNOW it really exists? Do you BELIEVE the sun will rise tomorrow, or do you KNOW with absolute certainty that it will, having observed it every day of your life? Do you see the difference?
If you are certain that being close to a person with the flu will make you sick, it is likely to happen. You will sabotage your immune system to such an extent that you make your expectation real, giving you the chance to say, "See, I knew I would get sick by being near them!". On the other hand, if you KNOW that being near a sick person will have no effect on you, then you will likely stay healthy.
The determination to be right can be so strong that it prevails even over life itself. Think of people who die for an ideal or in the attempt to realize their thoughts.
This phenomenon is evident in mothers: everyone in the house is sick except her! She knows she cannot afford to fall ill because, otherwise, who would care for her family? Similarly, doctors in hospitals, despite being in constant contact with infectious patients, rarely get sick. The same phenomenon is observed in managers who keep businesses running: they cannot afford to fall ill and therefore usually do not. They do not see illness as a valid option, and as a result, it does not occur.
The same principle applies in reverse. If you are convinced that a certain habit will make you sick, it probably will. The phrase smoking kills on cigarette packs is harmful: reading it with every cigarette you light, if the smoker begins to believe in that phrase, they will eventually make it come true. And before dying, they will say, "See, I knew I would get cancer!".
It is undeniable that smoking is harmful to health, but trying to dissuade people from smoking with such strategies risks paradoxically making more people sick.
I would like to share with you two curiosities you may not know. Have you seen those anti-smoking campaigns showing a black lung filled with smoke, compared to a healthy lung? An organ in the state shown in those images does not exist in reality!
No pathologist during an autopsy has ever seen lungs in such a condition. A living lung continuously cleans itself, and any residues found are certainly not comparable to those exaggerated images shown in those misleading anti-smoking campaigns.
So, how are such images obtained? It is quite simple: a DEAD lung is connected to a machine that pumps into it an amount of smoke equivalent to what a smoker inhales over a lifetime.
Do you think this is a real condition? A LIVING lung cleans itself, does not inhale smoke 24/7 without pause, and certainly does not inhale it all at once. If you have doubts about this, I suggest consulting a pathologist and asking if they have ever seen lungs in such a condition during an autopsy.
These images only serve to scare smokers, making them believe they have rotten lungs, even if it is not true. The psychological effect of these images can often be more harmful than smoking itself.
Experiments on Mice
It is commonly accepted that smoking causes cancer. Right? But how was this conclusion reached? Mice were placed in a cage, "smoked" for months, and inevitably died of cancer. The logical deduction, according to the limited scientific method, was that smoking causes cancer.
But let’s analyze what really happens: mice often live in attics and basements, right? If a fire breaks out, escape routes would inevitably be blocked, and death would be certain. For this reason, mice are much more sensitive to smoke than humans. Even a slight smell of smoke makes them flee.
If you see mice fleeing en masse on the stairs, it could be a sign of a fire or an imminent earthquake. What do you think happens to a mouse if it is smoked for months, 24 hours a day, locked in a cage with no escape route?
For the record, most lab mice, due to their confined conditions, die of cancer. They have a lifespan of only two years compared to five years for a free mouse.
The same experiment was repeated with a species of mouse that lives underground, digging tunnels. In the underground environment, fire is absent, so this type of mouse has no programming that identifies smoke as a threat. The result of the experiment was surprising: even after months of "smoking," none of these underground mice developed cancer.
The reality is a bit different from what you’ve been told, isn’t it?
Returning to Atlas Correction
We have observed this phenomenon for years in people treated with Atlantomed.
Those who approach the treatment with a positive attitude and trust in its benefits tend to achieve tangible results. On the other hand, those who approach it with prejudiced skepticism, motivated solely by a desire to prove its ineffectiveness or confirm preconceived beliefs—such as the idea suggested by their doctor that we are charlatans—rarely experience significant improvements.
This does not mean the result is merely a placebo effect, but it demonstrates how deeply a person’s mindset can influence the outcome, both positively and negatively. This principle extends far beyond this specific context and applies to many other aspects of life.
At the root of it all is always the unconscious desire to prove to oneself and others that they are right, activating mechanisms that transform thought into reality, even when it is at the expense of their health.
So, FIRST, the thought takes shape, and THEN, it transforms the reality of things. It is thought that shapes reality and not the other way around, as many mistakenly believe. This concept has been demonstrated through various quantum physics experiments, including the famous double-slit experiment.
Simply becoming aware of this phenomenon can completely transform your life. If you read books by highly successful people, you will notice that this concept is a fundamental principle and an essential awareness for them.
Admitting you were wrong and changing your mind requires great mental strength, a rare quality.
What is the difference between a rich person and a poor one, between a healthy person and a sick one, between someone who enjoys life and someone who constantly seems to have problems? MINDSET, what you consider to be your reality.
You can blame external factors or other people, but this will not change your situation or your condition. You can complain about not having money, not being healthy, and all the other negative things happening to you: THIS WILL NOT CHANGE YOUR SITUATION. The only thing that can do that is a change in your mindset, starting by stopping negative considerations.
If the placebo effect has an efficacy of 30% and the nocebo effect 50%, it is easy to understand that you are much more likely to fall ill if you think you are sick than to recover if you believe you can heal.
What does this mean? It means your thoughts can influence the outcome by a total of 80%. With 50% in negative and 30% in positive, the difference is really significant. Does that seem small to you? 80% is a huge percentage! For comparison, a drug, to be approved, only needs to demonstrate an efficacy 10% greater than the placebo. And let’s not forget the unfortunately widespread practice of falsifying study results when the drug fails to even reach that modest 10%. Were you aware of this?
As long as you choose to remain trapped in the need to prove to yourself and others that you are right about your negative thoughts, you will only be digging your own grave.
You CAN BE RIGHT, but it would be much healthier to choose to be right about positive things rather than negative ones!
Negative Mindset
As long as your goal remains to prove that a treatment does not work, your chances of recovery will be drastically reduced.
Of course, there are exceptions that go beyond mental attitude: technical errors during treatment, conditions where the Atlas cannot be corrected, situations where the Atlas is not the cause of the issue, or cases where the individual’s condition is so compromised that improvement would be impossible, even with a miracle. Excluding these circumstances, the remaining cases often show recurring mindset, which include:
- I’ll never heal – I’m too far gone – I’m hopeless;
- I’m sick, and there’s no cure, no one can help or heal me;
- I don’t understand anything; others should take care of my health;
- I shouldn’t have to do anything or understand anything;
- I have the right to receive everything for free because of health insurance;
- I’m convinced the treatment is just a scam to make money; otherwise, it would be free;
- If it were as effective as they say, everyone would be doing it.
As explained earlier, it is scientifically proven that a negative mindset can block 80% of your chances of healing. Even so, the Atlantomed treatment is capable of producing stable results in over 75% of treated individuals!
Paying Too Much Attention to the Body
Another very evident characteristic in people who seem never to improve is paying too much attention to their body, obsessively focusing on the painful part. It is well known that whatever you focus your attention on inevitably grows in importance, while what is ignored gradually loses relevance and fades away.
If you ignore and minimize it, trusting your body and its self-healing power, the pain will often disappear on its own, just as it came.
Many aches and physical issues persist over time, not due to an underlying organic condition but because they are constantly fueled by the unconscious mind and negative thoughts.
Considering all this, it becomes clear that comparing your discomfort or results with those of others makes little sense. Those who approach treatment with a positive attitude are more likely to experience improvement. On the other hand, those who begin with a negative attitude may not achieve the desired results.
If you don’t get the results you expected, that doesn’t mean the thousands of positive testimonials about the Atlantomed method are misleading or that the treatment is ineffective. It could instead depend on your mindset, which only YOU can change.
Before criticizing the treatment, ask yourself what attitude you are taking toward your life and health. We can offer the best possible treatment, but if your attitude is oriented toward failure, the chances of a disappointing result will be high.
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Contraindications to Atlas correction
Absolute contraindications
- Severe degenerative changes in the cervical spine (uncovertebral arthrosis, osteophytosis or welding between adjacent vertebral bodies).
- Epicondylar exostosis or bony deformation of the occipital condyles.
- Arnold Chiari malformation/syndrome with engagement of the cerebellar tonsils from the foramen magnum into the spinal canal.
- Hydrocephalus treated with CSF shunt (the shunt runs under the skin of the neck).
- Stroke/apoplectic attack more recent than 9 months.
- Severe acute or chronic inflammatory diseases, especially those of autoimmune origin, severe infectious diseases.
- Diseases causing emaciation, cachexia (tuberculosis and similar), cancer, especially if with osteolytic or osteoblastic metastases.
- Retinal detachment, recent cataract surgery.
- Severe arteriosclerosis
- Cerebral aneurysm
Relative contraindications
- Instability of the cervical ligaments, especially if, after an accident or trauma, there has been an injury to the joint capsule, the ligaments of the Atlas or the Epistropheus (atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial instability). Ligament laxity is a relative contraindication, because in this case the Atlas correction can be carried out, but may not be permanent.
- Severe malformations of the Atlas in the posterior arch or in the incomplete or missing transverse processes, or malformations of the occipito-cervical hinge.
- Subcutaneous implants: ear implants and prostheses, pacemaker implants, vagal stimulator implants (VNS).
- Whiplash injury more recent than 2 months.
- Very poor general health: lack of resources for the regeneration phase.
- Taking oral anticoagulant or dicumarol drugs such as Coumadin and Sintrom (excluding aspirin): these are the drugs used for long-term prevention of embolism in cases of cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, valvulopathy, implantation of mechanical valve prostheses, dilated heart disease, previous deep vein thrombosis.
- In the case of pregnancy, correction of the Atlas should only be carried out if the mother suffers from considerable complaints due to misalignment of the Atlas, which would otherwise force her to take regular medication.
For related contraindications, do not hesitate to contact an Atlantomed specialist in order to assess a possible individual solution.
Particular cases
There are some cases in which realigning the Atlas is a particularly difficult operation and it is necessary to vary the normal course of treatment, for example:
Extreme cervical tension
- If the muscles of the nape of the neck are excessively tense, before proceeding with the actual treatment, it is necessary to carry out one or two sessions of intensive massage (preparatory session) using the dedicated AtlantoVib device, which induces very deep muscle relaxation, capable of bringing considerable benefits. When the neck muscles are sufficiently relaxed, it is possible to proceed with the correction of the Atlas misalignment.
Excessive adipose tissue
- In the case of an overabundance of fatty tissue or highly developed neck muscles with extreme sporting activities, the treatment will be particularly problematic, especially because of the difficulty in determining the precise position of the Atlas.
Severe depression
- The treatment is not recommended in the case of severe depression, associated with long-term use of psychotropic drugs, or in the presence of very negative moods. After the treatment the body needs resources to regenerate itself and to eliminate the posture compensations it had put in place in order to counterbalance the misalignment of the Atlas.
Depressed people, who often lack sufficient resources, may experience negative reactions after treatment for a much longer period of time than normal before any improvement is perceived. If the depression is only the result of constant pain due to the after-effects of whiplash, or very frequent migraine attacks, then the Atlantomed treatment can bring great benefits.
Surgical cases and fractures
Intervertebral disc replacement surgery, discectomy, arthrodesis or laminectomy is not a contraindication to treatment. The operation must of course have already healed completely.Blocking the vertebrae with plates or bars does however allow the Atlas correction to be carried out. X-rays are necessary to check the exact position of the plates and screws, so as to cautiously avoid pressing exactly on them during the massage.
Apart from the correction of the first vertebra, we have found that treating the operated area with the AtlantoVib device can bring great benefits. Vibroresonance deeply dissolves the hardening that inevitably occurs, makes the scars softer, increases vascularisation and increases the mobility of the remaining segments of the spine.
It is recommended that the Atlas correction session be preceded by a preparatory session.
People who have undergone such surgery are often refused manual treatments, the therapist having an unfounded fear of doing damage.
Cases of vertebral fracture, including Atlas fracture, if perfectly healed, can be successfully treated with Atlantomed, after the necessary investigations and with the necessary precautions. After a fracture of the Atlas or epistropheus, in order to proceed, we require the OK of the treating doctor and a CT scan showing complete healing of the fractured segment.
Fusion or fixation of C0, C1 and C2, as you can easily guess, precludes correction of the vertebrae in question. It is desirable that the vertebrae have been fixed in alignment. Even if a correction is not feasible, it is possible to benefit from loosening the surrounding muscles with an AtlantoVib massage session.
If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact an Atlantomed specialist in order to assess a possible individual solution.
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The only ones with 10,000 testimonials and reviews in several languages! Click to access the related platforms and read many opinions, feedbacks, experiences and testimonials after the Atlantomed vibro-resonance Atlas correction. Be wary of imitations.